Safety training, are you finding it difficult to keep your team interested?
It’s something we all must do – but many employers find delivering training difficult.
Staff are often reluctant learners, and yet health and safety training is critical for any workplace.
So, how do you engage people with material that can be quite dry?
Here are our 5 key tips on making your health and safety training effective and fun:
Relevant safety training
Make your content relevant – learners engage with and remember stories! If you can relate the material to a real-life experience or event, they are more likely to listen and recall the material. It’s human nature to relate to stories – perhaps something happened to you, or a colleague, or you saw something in the news, and you can use that story in a fresh and interesting way.
Different learning styles
Respect different learning styles – we all learn differently, and variety is key in the classroom. Some people learn better by seeing, others by doing. And some need a mixture of both. When you’re writing a training session, make sure you include a wide variety of delivery methods if you can – quiz sheets, videos, and different activities should help engage all types of learners. Why not check out our YouTube page where we’ve collected different safety videos CLICK HERE
No death by PowerPoint
Don’t rely on PowerPoint – whilst presentations have their place, it’s important to keep learners energised and interested. Include ice-breakers, pair work and group work to really get people interested in the material. Mix the session up a bit and start the day and ‘after lunch’ session with more energetic activities.
Group dynamics and personalities
Remember group dynamics – in a learning environment, some people are naturally shy and others more talkative. Plan for this. Make sure you include activities which quieter employees may enjoy such as research or reading, as well as more ‘chatty’ activities for the outgoing group members. Not everyone wants to talk in front of a group, but they need to feel included and valued too.
Engaging training
Keep safety training fun – although your material may be difficult, you can still bring a sense of fun to the classroom. By providing real life stories, interesting activities and getting people to join in when they can, your session should be well-received and productive.
Why don’t you get in touch with us?
If you want to have a friendly chat about our Coaching and training programmes- please get in touch here.
Happy training!